

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing

I offer intuitive healing sessions with VortexHealing, a powerful form of Divine Energy healing. This healing work is intended to support you in your unique spiritual journey.

After studying energy healing on and off for many many years, I am excited to be offering healing sessions online and in person. I have studied many healing modalities over the years, from the Barbara Brennan School for Healing to Radiant Heart healing and Reiki (level 3). When I was first introduced to VortexHealing, I intuitively knew that this was my path. I have now taken over a dozen multiday trainings, each of which has given me powerful new healing tools. After about 55 days of intensive training, I am excited to begin sharing this amazing work with you.

I offer sessions Online (Zoom) and in-person (Tuesdays at Heartwood Center, 1818 Dempster, Evanston, IL)

In-Person Session: $150 (Initial Session, 90 min; Continuing Sessions, 75 min)
Online Session, $125 (Initial Session, 90 min; Continuing Sessions, 75 min)
Package of 3 Sessions, $345 (online) / $435 (in-person)
Package of 10 Sessions, $1100 (online) / $1350 (in-person)

Click to Schedule an Online Session

Click to Schedule an In-Person Session


What kinds of issues might I bring to a session?
Physical issues, including fatigue, symptoms of long COVID, aches & pains, and infections (viral and bacterial)
Emotional issues, including issues with grief, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, and worry
Mental and spiritual issues including dissociation, lack of connection to Spirit/the Divine/Source, and others

What does a typical session look like?
Every session finds its own path. We will usually spend the first 10-15 minutes discussing your situation and the issues you’re wanting to work on. Depending on how the issue’s coming up, we might process verbally for much of the session. Most often, 45 min or so of the session will be devoted to channeling VortexHealing. Afterwards, there will be time to share what came up during the healing and to discuss some next steps for your healing process. Physical touch is rarely needed during a healing, so sessions may be conducted online or in person. If in person, you will be seated comfortably in a chair.

New to VortexHealing?
Here are some structured sessions to give you an idea of what might be right for you

Grounding and Energetic Checkup

Colors of chakras.

We have an epidemic of ungroundedness today. Strengthening your grounding cord (or repairing a broken cord) helps us be more present to life, less anxious, and more embodied. This healing can easily be paired with a basic check-up of your energy system to look for, and repair, any broken or clogged energy pathways in the body. When these are present, their healing can be a huge step forward in overall wellness and vitality.

General Clearing & Energetic Tune-up

Are you feeling sluggish, whether through lack of good sleep or daily stress? Has a recent illness left you dragging through your days in a low-energy state? The intention behind this healing is to clear the chakras and energy pathways of whatever is blocking your natural vitality. The healing includes the energization of any parts of the energetic system that may need have fallen into a low energy state.

Homecoming: Settling into your True Self

Sometimes we feel that although our lives are going along well enough that we have lost a sense of centeredness and a connection to our deepest self. This can lead to a loss of a sense of joy in the simple moments of life – the joy of being. The intention of this healing is to ground and center you in your deepest sense of self, the you that you truly are, deep down.

Issue-Centered Work

Sessions can be tailored around whatever issues you might be dealing with in life. Issues can be at any level of your being: physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Common issues include clearing infections, working with memories of traumas, difficult emotions, frustrations, anxiety and worry, etc. The best issue to work on is almost always the one that is causing you some kind of pain, distress, or challenge in your daily life. Not sure what to work on? The first 10-15 minutes of the session are often spent decided on the issue to focus on.

About VortexHealing
The entire manifest universe springs from a single Source, Consciousness, or Divinity which constantly manifests itself through and as the created world. Though we are always already one with all, our day-to-day reality is generally that we experience ourselves as separate, isolated beings living in conflict with others. This perceived separateness imprints upon us over time, influencing us at all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, and giving rise to a multitude of issues. These issues stem from deep-seated conditioning and blockages in our energy systems.

VortexHealing offers a path to the healing of our issues and the realization of our oneness with all life. It releases our issues and conditioning, restoring emotional equilibrium and physical vitality.  Sometimes the presenting  issue (eg., an infection or an emotional block) is released during the healing. Other times, it may be that your relationship to the issue changes at a deep level. Either outcome can be transformative. Through experiencing VortexHealing, individuals experience a kind of spiritual acceleration, a process that gradually facilitates a deeper awakening, guiding participants towards an ultimate healing that lies in recognizing and embracing the oneness and freedom inherent to our true nature.

Please Note:
VortexHealing is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
“VortexHealing®” is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. Used here with permission.
For more information please visit www.vortexhealing.org